Autoresponder That Works!

  1. Why I don’t use Aweber, Mailchimp, GetResponse, and any other autoresponder.

  2. I cannot stress this enough. If you’re NOT collecting leads then you’re LOSING MONEY!!!


Grab The Autoresponder I use for “MMO” which means “Make Money Online” opportunities which 90% affiliates are in. It’s an $8.2 billion industry to be in. Going to be even BIGGER in 2023!

  1. Better Open Rates for “MMO

  2. Allows “MMO” offers. Which means you WON’T get BANNED.


  4. You can have MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS.

  5. Works for ANY NICHE.

  6. It’s NEWER, CHEAPER then most Autoresponders & you can even start for FREE!

  7. If you DON’T have a business email, I Highly Recommend using one for ANY autoresponder. Better chance landing in the Inbox. Use google, very easy, very reliable. Go here to create you Business Email: Click Here

    HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS AUTORESPONDER: Click Here To Grab The Autoresponder I’m Using


Setting Up Your Autoresponder

  1. Creating a opt-in page

  2. Understanding what a “TAG” is.

  3. Grabbing a Professional Email to send out Newsletters & How to Schedule a Newsletter

  4. Grabbing Affiliate Links