Attention Aspiring Internet Marketers...

Give Me 30 Days... And I'll Teach You the Bullet-Proof & Fully Guaranteed System I Use To Make Up To $20,000 Per Month...

In my 1-on-1 MENTORING PROGRAM, you'll learn 3 ways to make money online. Even BETTER... you'll learn to MAXIMIZE YOUR PROFIT by using ALL THREE METHODS AT ONCE!

I'll teach you the ropes of internet marketing and hold your hand while we put these systems in motion:

=> Solo Ads: You'll learn that, once you build your list, you can sell email ads (AKA, solo ads) and make super-easy PROFIT. (I've been doing this since 2016. And, after my training... so will you.)

=> Affiliate Marketing: Discover how I make EASY MONEY by selling offers that I don't even create. (Just imagine... NO customer service or product creation work AT ALL.) I love PASSIVE INCOME.

=> Email Marketing: See how I make approximately $1.25 per opt-in, per month by sending simple emails. (This requires some set-up... but I'll do it FOR YOU.)

Dear Aspiring Internet Marketer:

If you're SERIOUS of becoming SUCCESSFUL, there are TWO paths you can take...

Path #1 is where you go it alone...

This is a difficult, time-consuming, and EXPENSIVE road to travel.

Why is that the case?

Well -- to explain it simply -- let's skip right over the difficulty and wasted time involved... and go right to the EXPENSE.

You see, most beginners jump from one money-making scheme... to another... to yet another. 

During that time, they're all but guaranteed to continually drop various sums of money. But those small (and sometimes not-so-small) expenditures ADD UP -- frequently, to the tune of THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.

Even worse, it's likely that those beginners will NOT see a positive result.

As sad as it is, this is a very common story.

Path #2 is where the beginner finds an EXPERIENCED mentor with a PROVEN history of success.

Yes, I know. Hiring a mentor can SEEM expensive. 

But that's an illusion. 


Because a SKILLED & EXPERIENCED mentor will save you time, effort, frustration, and (in the long run) a bunch of MONEY.

So, ask yourself this simple question:


A skilled mentor will guide you through their ENTIRE money-making process. And, by allowing you to EMULATE their methods, they'll put you on the FAST TRACK to success. 

To put it another way...


Of course, it's ESSENTIAL that your mentor is willing to share what they know...

Without holding anything back.

To sum it up...

You can choose the slow, HARD path... or the fast, EASY one.

And that's where I come in...

About Your Trainer, Jeremy Turrey...

The problem with e-books and courses is that, after you buy them...

You're on your own. 

That means, if you run into problems implementing what you learn... YOU'RE STUCK.

So, I decided that instead of creating a video course, offering COACHING would really make more sense.

Anyway, if you don't know me (and you may not because I keep a pretty low profile) my name is Jeremy Turrey.

I've been building targeted email lists and selling solo ads since 2016...

And that bit of effort earns me as much as $20,000 per month.

In short, I know what I'm doing.

As a result, over the last 6 years I've had people constantly ask me to coach them.

But, to be honest, I didn't want to do it.

I just didn't want to spend the time it would require. Coaching takes a lot of effort (and I would want to do it right).

But then... 

I started thinking about COACHING again. 

And, this time... I caved.

I decided to take a small number of students and teach them my best money-making methods.

I changed my mind because I realized how much I like helping others and changing lives. 

My life has changed dramatically since 2016, and it would be great to help others make that kind of change, as well.

And that's why...

I'm introducing my One-On-One Personal Coaching Program.

[Please note: I'm going to do 100% FREE consultations with those who apply, so I can find those who are good matches. I want my students to succeed.]

Honestly, I'm not sure how many I'm going to take, but it will be a pretty small number. After all, I'm one guy. I can only handle so many. 

So, for those who qualify, I'll fill my available spaces on a first come, first served basis. 

Why Is My Mentoring Your BEST CHOICE?

I don't want to bash anyone by name, but there are "coaches" who make ALL their money from coaching.

I'm different because I make my money by DOING WHAT I'M GOING TO TEACH YOU.


Furthermore, my coaching (although it might SEEM expensive) is actually PRICED LOWER than most other quality coaching programs.

The point is, I'm providing GREAT VALUE.

To take it even further, I guarantee my coaching. (See below.)


Remember: I’m actually showing you the SAME METHODS that I use to make a very nice living. 

And I'm NOT going to hold back "the good stuff" (like bad coaches sometimes do).

Again, I'm very good at what I do. In fact, I’m one of the TOP SOLO AD VENDORS around. I know this stuff like the back of my hand. 

And, now, I want to teach YOU what I know. 

That said...

My Training Isn't For Everyone...

Why would I say that?  Because there are THREE things you need to understand before we begin your training...

1) There will be work involved. You may have seen money-making systems that promise to make you filthy rich with little or NO effort.

Now, it's certainly TRUE that some methods are easier than others... INCLUDING the 3 methods I'm going to teach you.

(As a result... I tend to have a lot of free time for hobbies and recreation -- which is nice.)


There IS work required. (At least, to set things up, initially). 


As much as I love PASSIVE INCOME -- and snowboarding -- you can't expect to just click a button and have money fly out of your computer! 

Yes, my methods really do work. And affiliate marketing really is an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY.

Plus... list building and selling solo ads are also PROVEN money-making methods.

But it STILL requires a bit of effort.

Let me add that one of my big GOALS is to help you ignore silly schemes, gimmicks, and "bright shiny objects" so you can FOCUS ON WHAT REALLY WORKS. 

When I made that same SHIFT in thinking, my life changed IN A BIG WAY.

And I want that for YOU, too.

2) I can only take a few students.

The downside of PERSONAL, one-on-one mentoring is that the number of people I can help is SEVERLY LIMITED. 

As a result, I'm looking for people who are SERIOUS about succeeding. 

Because, while I can show you EXACTLY how I make money online...

You need to have the DESIRE. 

But -- if you have that -- there are virtually NO LIMTS to what you can achieve.

3) I offer 3 payment options. 

As I mentioned, I really don't consider my training to be expensive -- but it isn't "cheap," either. 

The thing is, if you want all the benefits of one-on-one guidance, you should expect that level of attention to cost more.



Because it will save you a TON of time and EFFORT. (Again... how much is your time worth?)

It's NOT at all uncommon for aspiring internet marketers for "try and fail"... time after time... often for YEARS.

However, I don't want you to waste time "spinning your wheels." My training will -- figuratively -- give you "cuts" in the front of the line. 

That's the power of EXPERT MENTORING.

Here's What You'll Learn...

In my coaching program, I'll teach you:

1) How to pick solid affiliate products and profit from them.

2) How to profitably sell solo ads. And...

3) How to use email marketing to make easy profits from your list each month. 

You might wonder...

Why are these methods the BEST?

One BIG reason is, they're EASY methods for beginners to learn. 

(However, many ADVANCED marketers use some -- or all -- of these methods, too!)

The fact is, you can MAKE MONEY ALMOST DAILY with all three of these methods. 

Plus... they complement and go hand-in-hand with each other.

However, the best part is, I will set up your Ad Rotator and Auto-Responder FOR YOU.

Heck, I'll even give you TESTED email swipes that I have PERSONALLY USED.

As I've said...


To Do That, You'll Need The Right Tools...

I want to be fully transparent. 

Therefore, I want to discuss the ESSENTIAL "digital tools" you'll need for this business.

Let’s run through them...

#1) Auto-Responder: This tool sends out automated emails. The cost of the one I use is $27 per month. Yes, there are cheaper auto-responders, but -- so that we're both on the same page -- you NEED to use what I use.

Don't worry... I'LL SET IT UP FOR YOU.  

#2) Ad Rotator: This tool will rotate ads (offers) for you automatically. You MUST have a rotator. Why? Because we want OPTIMAL RESULTS; we want to WORK SMART. At $20 per month, it's a bargain. 

[What's an ad rotator? It rotates the links you send (via email) so your prospect is exposed to MULTIPLE product offers. It also sends them to a new offer if they click on a link multiple times.]

Once again, don't concern yourself with this... I'LL SET IT UP FOR YOU.

#3) A Website: This isn't absolutely necessary, but for selling solo ads, it's strongly recommended. 

[Note: These days, websites are super-simple to set up. It's mostly a point-and-click operation. I use a great service called Squarespace. But there are other good ones, too.]

With my help, I firmly believe that virtually ANYONE CAN SUCCED AT THIS -- if they have the desire. 

That said, I CANNOT guarantee that you'll make a specific amount of money (or, for that matter, any money at all). That would not be ethical... and it probably wouldn't be LEGAL, either.

But I will say this...

If you will simply follow the EXACT methods I use, I can't imagine any way that you will NOT make money. I really can't. (And I mean that!)

In fact, I'm so sure of my methods that I GUARANTEE YOUR RESULTS. (See below.)

Frequently Asked Questions...

=> Question: Why is your mentoring a good value?

As I've mentioned, MENTORING is a great investment IF your mentor actually DOES what they teach you. However, if you mentor makes all their money from teaching... RUN AWAY!

A good mentor will guide you, answer all your questions, and keep you FOCUSED. And that's exactly what I'll do FOR YOU.

=> Question: Can anyone benefit from your coaching?

I believe so, yes. All I ask is that you TAKE ACTION and follow my EXACT directions. If you'll do that, your chances for success will INCREASE DRAMATICALLY.

It's pretty much just that simple.

Internet marketing isn't rocket science. Once I teach you how it all works, I think you'll have a "glowing light bulb" moment!  :)

I have every confidence that, with some effort, virtually anyone can do it.

=> Question: How do I know this will work?

Because I'm not going to teach you THEORY. I'm going to teach you what ACTUALLY WORKS FOR ME.

I've PROVEN my methods work. I've TESTED them and use them MYSELF on a daily basis. Together, we'll work through the process step-by-step.

Your Results Are Guaranteed...

If you join my One-On-One Coaching Program and don't make any money -- after following my exact steps for 15 days -- I'll give you a FULL REFUND.

I can make this GUARANTEE because I know my methods work.

How do I know?

Because, like I said...


I don't just TEACH it... I DO it.

Therefore, I'm extremely confident that you'll love my training. 

In my view, having a mentor who will guide you, step-by-step, is the biggest KEY to finding online success.

If you have a burning desire to make money, I'll teach you EVERYTHING else you need to know.

Let me PROVE to you just how valuable mentoring can be... 

The first step is to stop DREAMING and start taking ACTION.

Amazingly... the hardest part is making the decision TO BEGIN. If you don't, your fear of failure and lack of inertia will KILL YOUR DREAMS.


When You Join My Coaching

Program, Here's What You'll Get...

=> FOUR one-on-one Zoom meetings (each 60 minutes long) to answer ALL your questions and help you set up EVERYTHING. The goal is to help you make money AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

[Note: The videos will be recorded for you to keep.]

=> You'll learn how to build a TARGETED email list from 100% FREE TRAFFIC.

=> You'll discover how to make money ON A DAILY BASIS while selling SOLO ADS.

=> You'll receive a list of TRUSTED SUPPLIERS that I PERSONALLY use.

=> I’ll completely set up your AUTO-RESPONDER & AD ROTATOR.

=> You'll also get 12 MONTHS OF PERSONAL HELP from me... even after the classes are done.

ACT NOW, And You'll Receive A Special BONUS...

Jump in now, and I'll also provide full access to my PRIVATE Facebook Group. Inside, you'll find me giving members new ideas, email swipes, tips, advice, and more.

However, my group provides MORE than just help... it provides a COMMUNITY that is always ready to assist you.

You'll find my group to be a VALUABLE RESOURCE. (See you inside!)

My Tester Autoresponder I made 12/20/21. Look at the open rate.

I don’t know another Autoresponder that can do this.

Number 1 Solo ads FACEBOOK GROUP.. I’m one of the TOP VENDORS -

Check it out HERE

Coaching Program Testimonials

Wow!! CONGRATS RENEE. Over $1500 in sales in a week from April 4th-12th of 2022. That’s insane. So happy to keep seeing these great results

This is what happens when you stay consistent with the coaching program. Congrats David!

Another Solid testimonial from Donna with my Coaching Program.

One of my students who started 1/5/22

This is Amazing! Get it Niki!

Killing it Safia! You will be doing this Full time sooner then you think.

Glad to see another one of my students doing great!

James already starting to see the process work after just being in my program for a week.

Moving quickly in my coaching program. Well done James

Another great week.

Another Solid week of 2/7/2022

Weeks just keep getting better and better.

Jim thriving in my coaching program. Only started a month a ago.

Another one of my students thriving in my coaching program.

Angela thriving in my coaching program.

Thank you for the kind words Sal. Keep up the great work.

Glad I can help Brittany

Renee is crushing it now.

Hek Yea! My student already seeing great results after 2 weeks

Another student starting to see great results.

Just some of the daily Payments

More Daily Payments. Week Still early on this one.

Purchase Coaching Program Here:

Option 1: Full Payment

1 Full Payment of $1495

Questions Before Purchase???

That’s perfectly fine. I don’t blame you. Please contact me through my email or my Facebook messenger. I usually get back real quick specially on Facebook messenger. I try to get back to all messages within 2-3 hrs unless I’m sleeping.


Google Number - (657) 229-1042 “Text Only”